Monday, March 14, 2011

Testimony and Prayer

Lots has happened since I last posted! We had another workday and team meeting! The workday was actually a lot of fun! We helped a couple in our church clean up/out their back yard! We shredded trees into mulch, pulled weeds, and fellow-shipped! It was lots of fun! Even if my sinuses feel like they are going to explode now... ;)
Then on Sunday we had another team meeting. The two things we went over were Prayer and Testimony. Throughout the next few months it is crucial that our team starts praying for one another. We are all going to experience some hard times these next few months and even when we are in Costa Rica, so prayer is something all of us need to be committed to. Then there was testimony. This is one of the most important things of your spiritual walk. Your testimony shows how you came to know Christ and how you are walking with Him. Definitely a wake up call. If we are going to be sharing the gospel abroad, we also need to be sharing it in our community. I mean, let's face it, we don't need to be acting any different here than we do there when it comes to sharing the gospel.

These were the two biggest things we discussed! :) Thank you to all those who are keeping up with this adventure!
1 Sam. 16:7
Matt. 28: 18-20